Tuesday, December 05, 2006

The Way You Make Me Feel

I'm back in my own music video. Every step lands in time to the songs that are blasting on my new iPod. A friend found a deal on a used iPod, and I couldn't say no. Now I'm bopping along to Michael Jackson, Prince and Scissor Sisters.

I've already caught myself singing aloud on the sidewalk and wiggling just a bit on the subway.


Mary B. said...

Yay! We'll have to trade music when I get to NYC. (Probably you've got more of the stuff I like than vice versa, but what the hey!) Welcome back to the land of soundtracked life!

Anonymous said...

I was hiking and wailing and singing to myself, the iPod blaring, when I realized that there were several bikers behind me, trying to pass me on the narrow trail, stuck watching me dance. Horrifying ...