Good lord. Ten years ago this month, I graduated high school. PCHS, baby! Class of '96 says Turn it Around and Let's Get Down!! (Why didn't our teachers balk at that sign in the gym? It hung for weeks!)
I'm working with some of my high school friends to get our reunion together this summer, and it's been amazing to reconnect with these people. A lot of us went to a tiny school together from kindergarten through the 12th grade, and we knew so much about each other. Ti drove a pickle-green Beretta. Ashley and Lauri were the pageant winners. Craig could sell ice to Eskimos, and Jen always had a smile for everyone.
On graduation day our high school superintendent said something I still remember. He stood at about eight feet tall and rarely cracked a smile in front of the students. It was during one of his rare sentimental moments when he said, "Remember this day, guys. This is the last time all of you will ever stand in the same room together. You're going to go off to college or to work, and you'll never be all together again."
It felt like a blow to me, since I'd had classes with these same people for my entire waking life. But I was bad about keeping in touch, and it's only been since we started talking about the reunion that I've actually talked with anyone from my class at all. We've all got different lives now.
Now it's time to get together again. I wonder how many of our 46 graduates will come. I wonder how many of them have kids that look like them. I wonder if I should bring pictures of Pumba to share.
CALL FOR COMMENTS: I would love to hear your reunion stories. Did you go to your 10-year? Were you excited to see anyone in particular? Did you get any souvenirs or do anything particularly fun?