Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas

The Chef and I are making lasagne for some New York friends today, but to all the family and friends we can't hug on this wonderful day, Merry Merry Christmas!

If you're at home today, feel free to check out my friend Megan Kamerick's radio show from Alberquerque. It's at Kunm.org and starts at 3:30 EST.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

An IM snapshot

typingelbow: omg. john just did something crazy.

brandito: what

typingelbow: he walked into a Christmas decoration store and spotted a little dog standing at the owner's feet.

typingelbow: The owner says, "Can I help you sir?"

typingelbow: John says, "How much for the dog?"

typingelbow: "Er, the dog is not for sale."

typingelbow: John turns and leaves, saying, "I'm out."

brandito: don't you wish you could have seen that?

typingelbow: oh god yes. i don't think i'm quick enough, but if i'd been there with him, i hope i would've said, "But I want a PUPPY!"

typingelbow: you know, in a voice that says "I should be wearing a helmet right now."

Monday, December 10, 2007

An update on my holiday checklist

-Make a gift list and start shopping.
-Ask rest of family for gift ideas for Dad, since he only ever asks for socks and underwear.
-Drink copious amounts of eggnog and/or mulled wine.
-Hang stockings by the chimney with care – well, by the sofa, anyway.
-Decorate tiny Christmas tree.
-Pick tree needles out from under fingernails.
-Wrap Christmas presents.
-Curse the clear tape’s mother for sticking to everything but the wrapping paper.
-Tear the house apart looking for a gift I hid from the Chef (and myself).
-Realize that I left that particular gift on the store counter two weeks ago. Go back and get it.
-Contemplate buying the cat a Christmas collar with jingly bells, then decide against stripping him of his dignity.
-Watch It’s Christmas, Charlie Brown and the animated version of The Grinch Who Stole Christmas.

Still Yet To do:

-Surprise the Chef with bushels of mistletoe in the apartment.
-Read the Christmas story from the old book itself.
-Watch It’s a Wonderful Life.
-Finish Christmas cards.
-Mail presents and pack a suitcase for the post-Christmas holiday bash at D.J. G-mom’s house in Tulsa, Okla.

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Goodbye, NaBloPoMo

It's probably just coincidence, but as I sat down to write my "Thanks for playing, NaBloPoMo" post (one day late), a particularly poignient lyric floated off iTunes:

Look who's telling who what to do,
Kiss my ass, GOODBYE!

Thanks for the kick-start, Ben Folds Five.

Anyway, so National Blog Posting Month is over. Except for two stumbles, I managed to post on the blog every day in November. Although there were a few days when I didn't know what to write, I definitely enjoyed the exercise. And I feel like I kept up with my friends and family better this month because we would call each other to talk about the day's post.

I plan to ride the NaBloPoMo train again next year, and I'll try to post more often during the rest of the year, too.