Saturday, January 14, 2006

New Pictures are up!

New Flickr pictures!

To see Christmas in South Arkansas, click here.

To see New Year's weekend, 2006, click here.

Hey, it only took me three weeks to get them all posted... Like a herd of turtles, I tell ya.


Mary B. said...

Those Christmas pictures turned out fantastic! The ones of Pumba and the window are really pretty. Good job, EB!

Michael L. Hess said...

Nice pictures -- you have a couple of really artistic ones in there as well. Hey EB, I just wanted to let you know that I put your Sound Hound site up on StumbleUpon -- it's a nice little toolbar that goes on your browser that connects with other "members" of Stumbleupon -- when you hit the StumbleUpon button, it takes you to random sites that others have recommended. So, hopefully people will start Stumbling Upon the Sound Hound site.

Anonymous said...

you really are a very talented photog.