Saturday, December 01, 2007

Goodbye, NaBloPoMo

It's probably just coincidence, but as I sat down to write my "Thanks for playing, NaBloPoMo" post (one day late), a particularly poignient lyric floated off iTunes:

Look who's telling who what to do,
Kiss my ass, GOODBYE!

Thanks for the kick-start, Ben Folds Five.

Anyway, so National Blog Posting Month is over. Except for two stumbles, I managed to post on the blog every day in November. Although there were a few days when I didn't know what to write, I definitely enjoyed the exercise. And I feel like I kept up with my friends and family better this month because we would call each other to talk about the day's post.

I plan to ride the NaBloPoMo train again next year, and I'll try to post more often during the rest of the year, too.


Mary B. said...

It was fun reading your month of blogs. :)

Unknown said...

It was the Heart song, "Alone".

Congrats on making it through NaBloPoMo!!!!